Vallanes is a member of the organisation WWOOF – World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms

The host at Vallanes has grown organically for many years and planted thousands of trees. Wwoofers are able to gain experience in organic farming and participate in various tasks depending on the season and the growing cycle.  We provide good warm accommodation and plenty of good vegetarian food.

Dear WWOOF applicants

Please make sure to reply to last e-mail with conversation history in order for me to track our correspondence.

We receive a lot of requests via the WWOOF home page and it‘s difficult to keep trace of our correspondence otherwize.  Please use either this e-mail address,    eymi@simnet.is  or info@vallanes.net

Article about the farm: Jessica Harris 2009
Article: In Search of Iceland´s Nordic Cuisine
GMO – free Iceland
Future of hope


WWOOF in Vallanes 2010 (Photos)
WWOOF in Vallanes 2009
WWOOF in Vallanes 2008
WWOOF in Vallames 2007(Photos)
WWOOF in Vallanes 2006 (photos
WWOOF in Vallanes 2005 (photos)
A video from VALLANES (youtube)

See more about wwoof on:


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